Learn To Play Day 2019 – London

JOIN US THIS WEEKEND for a series of FREE tuition slots and introduction to Scale Colour System at the Musicroom in Denmark Street, London.

The lessons are open to everyone, any level, students and teachers who wish to have an insight into this innovative system of learning music.

Book your FREE slot at the Musicroom London
T : 01722 322278

Thank you so much to the Music Room staff, Hal Leonard Europe, and to Music for All for this fantastic series of events.

Check more venues and events all over the UK https://musicforall.org.uk/learntoplayday/


In-store Clinics in Italy – April 6 & 12

Alex will be holding two in-store clinics in Italy on Saturday 6th and Friday 12th of April 2019. The first in Milan at the Bassline Music Shop and the latter in Rome at Your Music megastore.

The clinics will be focussed on technique and theory as well and gear demo for Duvoisin Guitar instruments (www.duvoisinguitars.com).

The translated version of Alex’s SCALE COLOUR SYSTEM book will be also presented on Apr 6th in conjunction with its release – you can preorder now your copy at www.alexlofoco.com/Shop

Apr 6th – 17:00 at Bassline Music Shop, Milan (info@bassline.it)
Apr 12th – 17:30 at Your Music, Rome (info@yourmusiconline.it)

Follow up the events on www.facebook/alexlofoco/pg/events